Source code for

from . import constants

import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
from math import log, floor
from os import urandom
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class EntropyAnalyser: """ Entropy and entropy-based distribution tests, primarily designed for obfs4 but useful to analyse a wide range of client-to-server packets that include encrypted handshake messages. """ def __init__(self): self.random_bytes = sorted([np.random.bytes(constants.INITIAL_RANDOM_BLOCK_COUNT) for i in range(5)], key=EntropyAnalyser.byte_entropy)[-1]
[docs] def request_random_bytes(self, request_size, block_size): """ It is computationally expensive to generate fresh uniform distributions each time a block is analysed, therefore a constant uniformly-distributed sample is kept, unless enlargement is required due to request size. Each regeneration is repeated five times with the highest entropy sample taken, to prevent accidental low entropy distribution from being used. :param int request_size: the size of requested uniformly distributed bytes. :param int block_size: the number of bytes in each block. :returns: list of blocks of uniformly distributed bytes of the size required. :raises ValueError: on an invalid block size or request size. """ if request_size < 1 or not isinstance(request_size, int): raise ValueError("Request size must be a positive integer.") if not isinstance(block_size, int) or block_size > request_size: raise ValueError("Block size must be a positive integer and smaller than request size.") if request_size <= len(self.random_bytes): requested_bytes = self.random_bytes[:request_size] else: self.random_bytes = sorted([np.random.bytes(request_size) for i in range(5)], key=EntropyAnalyser.byte_entropy)[-1] requested_bytes = self.random_bytes blocks = [requested_bytes[i:i+block_size] for i in range(0, len(requested_bytes), block_size)] return blocks
[docs] @staticmethod def byte_entropy(input_bytes): """ Calculate the shannon entropy of the input bytes. :param bytes input_bytes: input in bytes. :returns: the base 2 shannon entropy of input_bytes. """ if not isinstance(input_bytes, bytes) or len(input_bytes) == 0: return 0 byte_array = [input_bytes[i:i+1] for i in range(len(input_bytes))] occurances = {} total = 0 for s in byte_array: if s in occurances: occurances[s] += 1 else: occurances[s] = 1 total += 1 probabilities = {} for occurance in occurances: probabilities[occurance] = float(occurances[occurance]) / float(total) entropy = 0 for p in probabilities: entropy += -1 * probabilities[p] * log(probabilities[p], 2) return entropy
[docs] def anderson_darling_dist_test(self, input_bytes, block_size): """ Perform an Anderson-Darling distribution hypothesis test on whether the input_bytes was likely drawn from the same distribution as a random distribution, based on Shannon entropy of individual blocks of fixed size. :param bytes input_bytes: input in bytes to be tested. :param int block_size: the block size for each entropy-calculation block. :returns: `{min_threshold, p}`, where min_threshold is the minimum threshold in float under which the null hypothesis can be rejected, between 0.25 and 0.01, 1 if non-rejectable (definitely from random distribution), and 0 if always rejectable (definitely not from random distribution); and p is the p-value from the test. :raises TypeError: if the input were not supplied as bytes or the block size is not a valid integer. :raises ValueError: if block size is greater than the amount of bytes supplied. """ if not isinstance(input_bytes, bytes) or not isinstance(block_size, int): raise TypeError("input_bytes must be in bytes and block_size must be an integer.") if len(input_bytes) < block_size: raise ValueError("Block size is greater than the amount of bytes input.") # Chop up the input. remainders = len(input_bytes) % block_size if remainders > 0: # in Python a[:-0] will result in an empty string. input_bytes = input_bytes[:-remainders] blocks = [input_bytes[i:i+block_size] for i in range(0, len(input_bytes), block_size)] # Calculate each block's entropy as well as a uniform random distribution's. block_entropies = [self.byte_entropy(block) for block in blocks] random_entropies = [self.byte_entropy(block) for block in self.request_random_bytes(len(input_bytes), block_size)] # Compare them with Anderson-Darling. try: statistic, criticals, p = scipy.stats.anderson_ksamp([block_entropies, random_entropies]) except: return {'min_threshold': 1, 'p': None} # Non-rejectable if two distributions are exactly the same, which triggers # ValueError in scipy. Malformed packets trigger IndexError, dealt with # by assuming non-rejectable. results = {'p': p} # Special cases. if statistic < criticals[0]: results['min_threshold'] = 1 # Non-rejectable null hypothesis. elif statistic > criticals[-1]: results['min_threshold'] = 0 # Always rejectable null hypothesis. else: for i in range(len(criticals)-1): if statistic >= criticals[i] and statistic <= criticals[i+1]: results['min_threshold'] = constants.A_D_THRESHOLDS[i] # Rejection threshold. break # Should never happen unless scipy somehow returns a non-monotonically # increasing critical level with a realistic statistic. if 'min_threshold' not in results: results['min_threshold'] = -1 return results
[docs] def kolmogorov_smirnov_dist_test(self, input_bytes, block_size): """ Perform a Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution hypothesis test on on whether the input_bytes was likely drawn from the same distribution as a random distribution, based on Shannon entropy of individual blocks of fixed size. :param bytes input_bytes: input in bytes to be tested. :param int block_size: an integer block size for entropy-calculation block. :returns: the p-value from the KS two-sample test, hypothesis rejectable if p is very small (usually <0.1), meaning that likely drawn from non- uniform distribution. :raises TypeError: if the input were not supplied as bytes or the block size is not a valid integer. :raises ValueError: if block size is greater than the amount of bytes supplied. """ if not isinstance(input_bytes, bytes) or not isinstance(block_size, int): raise TypeError("input_bytes must be in bytes and block_size must be an integer.") if len(input_bytes) < block_size: raise ValueError("Block size is greater than the amount of bytes input.") # Chop up the input into equal chunks, discarding remainder. remainders = len(input_bytes) % block_size if remainders > 0: # in Python a[:-0] will result in an empty string. input_bytes = input_bytes[:-remainders] blocks = [input_bytes[i:i+block_size] for i in range(0, len(input_bytes), block_size)] # Calculate each block's entropy as well as a uniform random distribution's. block_entropies = [self.byte_entropy(block) for block in blocks] random_entropies = [self.byte_entropy(block) for block in self.request_random_bytes(len(input_bytes), block_size)] # Perform the KS 2-sample test. statistic, p = scipy.stats.ks_2samp(block_entropies, random_entropies) return p
[docs] def kolmogorov_smirnov_uniform_test(self, input_bytes): """ Perform a Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution hypothesis test on on whether the input_bytes was likely uniformly distributed (not by entropy value). :param bytes input_bytes: input in bytes to be tested. :returns: the p-value from the KS two-sample test, hypothesis rejectable if p is very small (usually <0.1), meaning input likely not uniformly distributed. :raises TypeError: if the input were not supplied as bytes. """ if not isinstance(input_bytes, bytes): raise TypeError("input_bytes must be in bytes.") # Perform the KS uniform distribution test. input_dist = [input_bytes[i:i+1].hex() for i in range(len(input_bytes))] random_bytes = self.request_random_bytes(len(input_dist), 1) uniform_dist = [i.hex() for i in random_bytes] statistic, p = scipy.stats.ks_2samp(input_dist, uniform_dist) return p
[docs] def entropy_estimation(self, input_bytes, window_size): """ Estimate the level of entropy of input bytes by running a sliding window through the payload bytes and counting the number of distinct values in each window. A fast, low-leading constant O(n) operation. :param bytes input_bytes: input in bytes to be tested. :param int window_size: the size of the sliding window. :returns: the mean proportion of windows tested with distinct values. :raises TypeError: if the input were not supplied as bytes. """ if not isinstance(input_bytes, bytes): raise TypeError("input_bytes must be in bytes.") # We cannot find any if the window is over-sized. if window_size > len(input_bytes): return 0 total_windows = len(input_bytes) - window_size + 1 counter = defaultdict(int) for i in range(window_size): counter[input_bytes[i]] += 1 window_proportions = [len(counter) / float(window_size)] l = 0 r = window_size for _ in range(total_windows - 1): counter[input_bytes[l]] -= 1 if counter[input_bytes[l]] == 0: counter.pop(input_bytes[l]) counter[input_bytes[r]] += 1 window_proportions.append(len(counter) / float(window_size)) l += 1 r += 1 return np.mean(window_proportions)