from . import constants, utils, parser
from pymongo import MongoClient
import hashlib
from os import urandom, path
from datetime import date, datetime
[docs]class MongoDBManager:
''' A manager for the MongoDB used to store trace data, both for temporary
working and long term storage, as demanded.
def __init__(self, db_server=constants.MONGODB_SERVER):
creds = utils.read_mongo_credentials()
if creds is not None:
self.__db_client = MongoClient(db_server, username=creds['username'],
password=creds['password'], authSource=creds['auth_source'],
self.__db_client = MongoClient(db_server, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=500)
print("Error: Cannot connect to MongoDB Server, please check whether MongoDB Server is running and auth credentials if set.")
self.__db = self.__db_client['covertmark']
self._trace_index = self.__db["trace_index"]
[docs] def lookup_collection(self, collection_name):
Check whether a collection by the name exists in MongoDB.
:param str collection_name: the name of collection checked.
:returns: True if collection name exists, False otherwise.
if not collection_name:
return False
if not collection_name.isalnum():
return False
# Check whether collection is in the index.
in_index = self._trace_index.find_one({"name": collection_name})
# Check whether the collection exists in the database.
in_db = collection_name in self.__db.collection_names()
if in_index and in_db:
return True
# Inconsistency:
# If in index but not in database, delete the index and return False.
if in_index and not in_db:
self._trace_index.delete_many({"name": collection_name})
return False
return False
[docs] def new_collection(self, description="", input_filters=[]):
Create a new trace collection with a name, store and return it.
:param str description: a description of this trace collection, empty by
:param list input_filters: list of tuples (string-format filters, direction)
for input filters of this collection.
:returns: the name of the new collection.
collection_name = MongoDBManager.generate_name()
# In case of collision.
while self.lookup_collection(collection_name):
collection_name = MongoDBManager.generate_name()
now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Check filters.
for input_filter in input_filters:
if not utils.build_subnet(input_filter[0]) or \
input_filter[1] not in [constants.IP_SRC, constants.IP_DST, constants.IP_EITHER]:
return False
input_filters = [(str(i[0]), int(i[1])) for i in input_filters]
new_c = {"name": collection_name, "creation_time": now,
"description": description, "input_filters": input_filters}
# Does not actually create the database due to MongoDB laziness.
if self._trace_index.insert_one(new_c):
return collection_name
return False
[docs] def delete_collection(self, collection_name):
Delete the index and the trace collection associated with collection_name.
:param str collection_name: the name of the collection to be deleted.
:returns: True if deleted where appropriate, False otherwise.
if not self.lookup_collection(collection_name):
return False
self._trace_index.delete_many({"name": collection_name})
return True
[docs] def modify_collection_description(self, collection_name, description):
Modify the description of a trace collection.
:param str collection_name: the name of the collection to be modified.
:param str description: the new description of the collection.
:returns: True if modification successful, False otherwise.
if not self.lookup_collection(collection_name):
return False
update_result = self._trace_index.update_one({"name": collection_name}, {'$set': {"description": description}})
if update_result.modified_count > 0:
return True
return False
[docs] def list_collections(self):
Return all valid collections.
:returns: a list of valid collections with attributes.
collections = self._trace_index.find(projection={'_id': False})
in_db_collections = self.__db.collection_names()
valid_collections = []
for collection in collections:
if collection["name"] in in_db_collections:
return valid_collections
[docs] def insert_packets(self, packets, collection_name=""):
Insert a list of fomatted packets. Should be used only by
:meth:`parser.PCAPParser.load_packet_info`, as format checking is not done
:param list packets: see docstring of that function for input format.
:param str collection_name: The name of the collection to be inserted into,
create a new collection with random name if unspecified.
:returns: dict containing collection name and inserted count if insertion
successful, False otherwise.
# Create new collection if supplied collection name does not exist.
if collection_name == "":
collection_name = self.new_collection()
if not collection_name:
return False
# Otherwise, insertion can proceed no matter whether the collection
# specified already exists, as it's insert or append by default.
# Conduct the insertion.
collection = self.__db[collection_name]
inserted = collection.insert_many(packets)
result = {"collection_name": collection_name, "inserted": inserted}
return result
[docs] def find_packets(self, collection_name, query_params, max_r=0):
Return matched packets in the named collection up to a max of max_r
:param str collection_name: name of the queried collection.
:param dict query_params: query written in MongoDB query object format.
:param int max_r: maximum number of returned packets, <= 0 means unlimited.
:returns: packets found matching the query parameters.
if not self.lookup_collection(collection_name):
return False
if not isinstance(max_r, int) or max_r <= 0:
max_r = False
collection = self.__db[collection_name]
if max_r:
query_result = collection.find(filter=query_params, projection={'_id': False},
limit = max_r)
query_result = collection.find(filter=query_params, projection={'_id': False})
result = [x for x in query_result]
return result
[docs] def count_packets(self, collection_name, query_params={}):
Return the number of query-matched packets in the named collection.
:param str collection_name: name of the queried collection.
:param dict query_params: query written in MongoDB query object format.
:returns: the number of packets found matching the query parameters.
if not self.lookup_collection(collection_name):
return False
collection = self.__db[collection_name]
query_count = collection.find(filter=query_params).count()
return query_count
[docs] def distinct_packets(self, collection_name, field_name):
Return the number of distinct fields of a column in the named collection.
:param str collection_name: name of the queried collection.
:param str field_name: name of column to count distinct packets.
:returns: the number of distinct fields found.
if not self.lookup_collection(collection_name):
return False
collection = self.__db[collection_name]
distinct_count = len(collection.find(filter={field_name: {"$ne": None}}).distinct(field_name))
return distinct_count
[docs] def delete_packets(self, collection_name, query_params):
Delete matched packets in the named collection.
:param str collection_name: name of the queried collection.
:param str query_params: query written in MongoDB query object format.
:returns: packets deleted matching the query parameters.
if not self.lookup_collection(collection_name):
return False
collection = self.__db[collection_name]
deletion_result = collection.delete_many(query_params)
return deletion_result.deleted_count
[docs] @staticmethod
def generate_name():
Generate a packet collection name in the format of 'traces(yyyymmdd)random-hex-string'.
:returns: a random collection name.
today ="%Y%m%d")
return "traces" + today + hashlib.sha1(urandom(8)).hexdigest()
[docs] @staticmethod
def log_error(error_content):
Utility function to log database errors.
if constants.LOG_ERROR and path.isfile(constants.LOG_FILE):
with open(constants.LOG_FILE, "a") as log_file: