Source code for CovertMark.handler

from . import data, analytics, strategy
from . import constants as c
from . import utils

import os, sys
from tabulate import tabulate
from operator import itemgetter
from tempfile import gettempdir
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product

[docs]class Commands: cs = {} hs = {}
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, help_text): def decorator(func): cls.cs[func.__name__] = func cls.hs[func.__name__] = help_text return func return decorator
[docs]class CommandHandler: def __init__(self, strategy_map): # Access facilities. self.__db = data.mongo.MongoDBManager() self.__reader = data.retrieve.Retriever() self._strategy_map = strategy_map self._collections = self.__reader.list() # Handler states. self._current_procedure = [] self._results = {} self.__result_counter = 0 self._imported_path = ""
[docs] def dispatch(self, command): """ Dispatch a user command or a sequence of commands to the correct methods. :param str command: a top-level command matching the name of a handler method, with parameter gathering handled by the handler method itself. This can also be a sequence of commands separated by ";". :returns: False if the command does not map to a handler method, True if otherwise handler successfully executed. """ command = command.strip() if command not in Commands.cs: command_seq = [i.strip() for i in command.split(";")] if all([i in Commands.cs for i in command_seq]): for cmd in command_seq: Commands.cs[cmd](self) else: return False else: Commands.cs[command](self) return True
[docs] def set_procedure(self, procedure): """ Replace the current procedure. Used for parameterised execution. :param procedure: a valid CovertMark procedure. :returns: True if procedure set successfully, False otherwise. """ valid_procedure, _ = utils.validate_procedure(procedure, self._strategy_map) if not valid_procedure: return False else: self._current_procedure = procedure return True
[docs] @Commands.register("Exit this program.") def exit(self): # Handled by the calling module. return
[docs] @Commands.register("Display this help information.") def help(self): padding = len(max(Commands.cs, key=len)) + 1 for command in Commands.cs: print(command.ljust(padding) + ": " + Commands.hs[command]) print("")
[docs] @Commands.register("List all available traces.") def traces(self): traces = self.__reader.list() traces_tabulate, _ = utils.list_traces(traces) print(traces_tabulate)
[docs] @Commands.register("Select and delete traces.") def delete(self): traces = self.__reader.list() traces_tabulate, names = utils.list_traces(traces) print("The following traces are currently stored in MongoDB, which were imported during strategy runs.") print("Deleting them will make procedures files referencing MongoDB collections only unusuable.") print(traces_tabulate) while True: deletes = input("Enter a Trace ID or a list of IDs (separated by ',') for deletion, or `end` to finish: ").strip() if deletes == "end": break deletes = [i.strip() for i in deletes.split(',')] if all([i.isdigit() for i in deletes]): deletes = [int(i) for i in deletes] else: print("Contains invalid IDs, not deleting.") continue if all([i in names for i in deletes]): confirm = input("Are you sure to delete {} trace collections? [y/N]:".format(len(deletes))) if confirm.lower() == 'y': for i in deletes: self.__db.delete_collection(names[i]) print("Deletion successful.") else: print("Deletion cancelled.") break
[docs] @Commands.register("Load and execute an existing benchmark procedure in json.") def load(self): path = input("Enter the path to the procedure json: ").strip() procedure = utils.import_procedure(path, self._strategy_map) if not procedure: print(path + " does not seem to exist or is invalid.") else: self._current_procedure = procedure print("Procedure has been successfully loaded, enter `execute` to run it.") self._imported_path = path
[docs] @Commands.register("Program a new benchmark procedure to replace the current procedure.") def new(self): previous_inputs = defaultdict(str) # Time saving when setting up multiple strategies for a new pcap. print("Programming a new benchmark procedure.") procedure = [] while True: print("List of available strategy runs: ") runs, indices = utils.get_strategy_runs(self._strategy_map) print(runs) while True: next_run = input("Enter a Run ID to configure a run, or enter `end` to finish: ").strip() if next_run == "end": break try: next_run = int(next_run) if 0 <= next_run <= len(indices): break except: print("Invalid Run ID.") if next_run == "end": break # Strategy map should have already been validated during read. strat = self._strategy_map[indices[next_run][0]] run_info = [i for i in strat["runs"] if i["run_order"] == indices[next_run][1]][0] use_negative = strat["negative_input"] print("Adding {} on {}.".format(strat["object"], run_info["run_description"])) run = {'strategy': indices[next_run][0], 'run_order': indices[next_run][1]} # Get filter information. pt_filter_types = strat["pt_filters"] if run_info["pt_filters_reverse"]: search_pt_filter_types = [strategy.constants.FILTERS_REVERSE_MAP[i] for i in pt_filter_types] else: search_pt_filter_types = pt_filter_types neg_filter_types = strat["negative_filters"] if run_info["negative_filters_reverse"]: search_neg_filter_types = [strategy.constants.FILTERS_REVERSE_MAP[i] for i in neg_filter_types] else: search_neg_filter_types = neg_filter_types # See if we have matching traces already in the database. print() print(c.colours.BGC + c.colours.RED + "Configuring positive (PT) traffic for this run." + c.colours.ENDC) pts_in_db = self.__reader.list(in_string=False, match_filters=search_pt_filter_types) trace_id = "" if len(pts_in_db) > 0: pts_in_db, collections = utils.list_traces(pts_in_db) print("The following traces already in MongoDB can be used with this strategy run: ") print(pts_in_db) print(c.colours.BGC + c.colours.RED + "Check directions very carefully, as the traces listed may have been imported for the opposite direction to this run, thus inappropriate to use." + c.colours.ENDC) print("If you choose to reuse an existing trace collection here, the procedure will not be portable between computers.") trace_id = input("Enter a trace ID to select and reuse as PT traffic, or enter nothing to skip and use a new PCAP: ").strip() try: trace_id = int(trace_id) except: trace_id = "" # Need to configure a new PCAP and its input filters. run['pt_filters'] = [] run['pt_collection'] = "" run['pt_pcap'] = "" if not isinstance(trace_id, int) or trace_id not in collections: # Set PCAP. while True: pt_pcap = input("Enter the path to the PCAP file containing PT traffic [" + previous_inputs["pt_pcap"] +"]: ").strip() if pt_pcap == "": pt_pcap = previous_inputs["pt_pcap"] else: previous_inputs["pt_pcap"] = pt_pcap if data.utils.check_file_exists(os.path.expanduser(pt_pcap)): run["pt_pcap"] = pt_pcap break else: print("The PCAP path entered does not seem to exist.") # Set input filters. print("Collecting PT IP filters for importing the PCAP, please enter IPv4/IPv6 addresses or subnets separated by ',':") if data.constants.IP_SRC in pt_filter_types: while True: clients = input("Who are the PT clients [" + previous_inputs["pt_clients"] +"]: ").strip() if clients == "": clients = previous_inputs["pt_clients"].split(",") else: previous_inputs["pt_clients"] = clients clients = clients.split(",") clients = [i.strip() for i in clients] if all([data.utils.build_subnet(i) for i in clients]): for i in clients: run['pt_filters'].append([i, data.constants.IP_SRC]) break else: print("Some addresses or subnets entered are invalid.") if data.constants.IP_EITHER in pt_filter_types: while True: clients = input("Observe traffic in both directions passing through [" + previous_inputs["pt_either"] + "]: ").strip() if clients == "": clients = previous_inputs["pt_either"].split(",") else: previous_inputs["pt_either"] = clients clients = clients.split(",") clients = [i.strip() for i in clients] if all([data.utils.build_subnet(i) for i in clients]): for i in clients: run['pt_filters'].append([i, data.constants.IP_EITHER]) break else: print("Some addresses or subnets entered are invalid.") if data.constants.IP_DST in pt_filter_types: while True: servers = input("Who are the PT bridge servers [" + previous_inputs["pt_servers"] + "]: ").strip() if servers == "": servers = previous_inputs["pt_servers"].split(",") else: previous_inputs["pt_servers"] = servers servers = servers.split(",") servers = [i.strip() for i in servers] if all([data.utils.build_subnet(i) for i in servers]): for i in servers: run['pt_filters'].append([i, data.constants.IP_DST]) break else: print("Some addresses or subnets entered are invalid.") # We can use an existing collection instead. else: run['pt_collection'] = collections[trace_id] # Now do the same for negative traffic. print() print(c.colours.BGC + c.colours.GREEN + "Configuring negative (innocent) validation traffic for this run." + c.colours.ENDC) negs_in_db = self.__reader.list(in_string=False, match_filters=search_neg_filter_types) trace_id = "" if use_negative and len(negs_in_db) > 0: negs_in_db, collections = utils.list_traces(negs_in_db) print("The following traces already in MongoDB can be used with this strategy run: ") print(negs_in_db) print(c.colours.BGC + c.colours.GREEN + "Check directions very carefully, as the traces listed may have been imported for the opposite direction to this run, thus inappropriate to use." + c.colours.ENDC) print("If you choose to reuse an existing trace collection here, the procedure will not be portable between computers.") trace_id = input("Enter a trace ID to select and reuse as negative traffic, or enter nothing to skip and use a new PCAP: ").strip() try: trace_id = int(trace_id) except: trace_id = "" # Need to configure a new PCAP and its input filters. run['neg_filters'] = [] run['neg_collection'] = "" run["neg_pcap"] = "" if use_negative and (not isinstance(trace_id, int) or trace_id not in collections): # Set PCAP. while True: neg_pcap = input("Enter the path to the PCAP file containing negative traffic [" + previous_inputs["neg_pcap"] + "]: ").strip() if neg_pcap == "": neg_pcap = previous_inputs["neg_pcap"] else: previous_inputs["neg_pcap"] = neg_pcap if data.utils.check_file_exists(os.path.expanduser(neg_pcap)): run["neg_pcap"] = neg_pcap break else: print("The PCAP path entered does not seem to exist.") # Set input filters. print("Collecting negative IP filters for importing the PCAP, please enter IPv4/IPv6 addresses or subnets separated by ',':") if data.constants.IP_SRC in neg_filter_types: while True: clients = input("Who are the innocent clients under suspicion [" + previous_inputs["neg_clients"] + "]: ").strip() if clients == "": clients = previous_inputs["neg_clients"].split(",") else: previous_inputs["neg_clients"] = clients clients = clients.split(",") clients = [i.strip() for i in clients] if all([data.utils.build_subnet(i) for i in clients]): for i in clients: run['neg_filters'].append([i, data.constants.IP_SRC]) break else: print("Some addresses or subnets entered are invalid.") if data.constants.IP_EITHER in neg_filter_types: while True: clients = input("Observe traffic in both directions passing through [" + previous_inputs["neg_either"] + "]: ").strip() if clients == "": clients = previous_inputs["neg_either"].split(",") else: previous_inputs["neg_either"] = clients clients = clients.split(",") clients = [i.strip() for i in clients] if all([data.utils.build_subnet(i) for i in clients]): for i in clients: run['neg_filters'].append([i, data.constants.IP_EITHER]) break else: print("Some addresses or subnets entered are invalid.") if data.constants.IP_DST in neg_filter_types: while True: servers = input("Who are the innocent servers under suspicion [" + previous_inputs["neg_servers"] + "]: ").strip() if servers == "": servers = previous_inputs["neg_servers"].split(",") else: previous_inputs["neg_servers"] = servers servers = servers.split(",") servers = [i.strip() for i in servers] if all([data.utils.build_subnet(i) for i in servers]): for i in servers: run['neg_filters'].append([i, data.constants.IP_DST]) break else: print("Some addresses or subnets entered are invalid.") # We can use an existing collection instead. elif use_negative: run['neg_collection'] = collections[trace_id] run['user_params'] = [] if len(run_info["user_params"]) > 0: for param in run_info["user_params"]: while True: val = input("Enter the {} value for runtime parameter `{}`: ".format(param[1].__name__, param[0])).strip() try: param_val = param[1](val) run['user_params'].append([param[0], param_val]) break except: print("The value entered is invalid.") # Ask user for a name. user_defined_name = input("Add a custom name to this run for easy identification: ").strip() if user_defined_name == "": user_defined_name = "{} on {}".format(strat["object"], run_info["run_description"]) print("Defaulting name to {}.".format(user_defined_name)) run["user_defined_name"] = user_defined_name procedure.append(run) print("Strategy run has been successfully added to the current procedure.") if len(procedure) > 0: self._current_procedure = procedure print("Procedure successfully created, enter `execute` to run it.") else: print("No strategy run has been programmed into the procedure, abandoning it.")
[docs] @Commands.register("Display the current procedure.") def current(self): print(utils.printable_procedure(self._current_procedure, self._strategy_map))
[docs] @Commands.register("Execute the current procedure.") def execute(self): valid_procedure, _ = utils.validate_procedure(self._current_procedure, self._strategy_map) if len(self._current_procedure) == 0 or not valid_procedure: print("There is no valid procedure loaded, enter `new` to create a new procedure.") return results, new_procedure = utils.execute_procedure(self._current_procedure, self._strategy_map, db_sub=True) print("Execution of the current procedure is complete.") if len(results) > 0: # Check if there were any non-collection inputs. original_procedure_has_explicit_inputs = False for run in self._current_procedure: if run["pt_collection"] == "" or run["neg_collection"] == "": original_procedure_has_explicit_inputs = True break # If so, ask the user whether they want to replace it. if original_procedure_has_explicit_inputs: replace = input("Do you wish to use the MongoDB copy/copies instead of the PCAP(s) from now on? This will make the new procedure faster but unportable [y/N]:") if replace.lower() == 'y': self._current_procedure = new_procedure print("Procedure settings replaced, `save` the procedure to file to permanently apply the changes.") for result in results: # Indexed by a global counter, each contains strategy module, # run order of the strategy, the instance spawn, and the run's # user defined name. self._results[self.__result_counter] = [result[1]["strategy"], result[1]["run_order"], result[0], result[1]["user_defined_name"]] self.__result_counter += 1 else: print("No strategy run has been successfully executed.")
[docs] @Commands.register("Save the current procedure to file.") def save(self): valid_procedure, _ = utils.validate_procedure(self._current_procedure, self._strategy_map) if len(self._current_procedure) == 0 or not valid_procedure: print("There is no valid procedure loaded, enter `new` to create a new procedure.") return while True: if self._imported_path != "": path_prompt = "Enter the export path for the procedure [" + self._imported_path + "]: " else: path_prompt = "Enter the export path for the procedure (e.g. ~/Documents/covertmark.json): " out_path = input(path_prompt).strip() if out_path == "cancel": break if self._imported_path != "" and out_path == "": out_path = self._imported_path if utils.save_procedure(out_path, self._current_procedure, self._strategy_map, overwrite=True): print("Successfully saved current procedure to " + out_path + ".") break else: print("Unable to save current procedure due to invalid output path or a permissions issue.")
[docs] @Commands.register("List results from strategy runs in this session.") def results(self): if len(self._results) == 0: print("There are no results yet, enter `execute` to run the current procedure for results.") return print(utils.printable_results(self._results, self._strategy_map))
[docs] @Commands.register("Clear the currently stored results.") def delresults(self): confirm = input("Are you sure you want to delete all results in this session? [y/N]:").strip() if confirm.lower() == "y": self._results = {} print("Deletion successful.") else: print("Deletion abandoned.")
[docs] @Commands.register("Get the Wireshark display filters for a result.") def wireshark(self): if len(self._results) == 0: print("There are no results yet, enter `execute` to run the current procedure for results.") return print("Available results:") print(utils.printable_results(self._results, self._strategy_map)) while True: try: result = input("Enter result ID to view its falsely blocked IPs' Wireshark display filter (`end` to quit): ").strip() if result == "end": break else: result = int(result) if result not in self._results: raise ValueError() except: print("Invalid result ID.") continue print(self._results[result][2].report_blocked_ips()) print()
[docs] @Commands.register("Compute CovertMark scores for the current results.") def score(self): if len(self._results) == 0: print("There are no results yet, enter `execute` to run the current procedure for results.") return print("Available results:") print(utils.printable_results(self._results, self._strategy_map)) print("The overall score will assume that all these results are for the same PT protocol involved.") print() results = {} for n, result in self._results.items(): score, config = result[2]._score_performance_stats() results[n] = {} if 0 <= score <= 100: for r in c.RATINGS: if r[0] <= score < r[1]: attrs = c.RATINGS[r] results[n]["colour"] = attrs[0] results[n]["explanation"] = attrs[1] break results[n]["score"] = round(score, 2) results[n]["config"] = result[2].interpret_config(config) results[n]["strategy_name"] = result[2].NAME results[n]["run_description"] = [i for i in self._strategy_map[result[0]]["runs"] if i["run_order"] == result[1]][0]["run_description"] results[n]["run_name"] = result[3] results = sorted(results.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["score"]) # The lower the score, the better the protocol. Therefore ascending. print(c.CM_NAME + " Report:") # Tabulate is funky with spaces when ANSI colour is involved, therefore not used. for _, result in results: print("-"*80) print(result["colour"] + str(result["score"]) + c.colours.ENDC + " from " +\ result["strategy_name"] + " | " + result["run_name"]) print(c.colours.BOLD + result["explanation"] + c.colours.ENDC) print("Best strategy configuration: " + result["config"]) print("-"*80) overall_score = results[-1][1]["score"] overall_colour = results[-1][1]["colour"] overall_band = "" for r in c.RATING_BANDS: if r[0] <= overall_score < r[1]: overall_band = c.RATING_BANDS[r] break print("Overall rating: " + overall_colour + overall_band + c.colours.ENDC) print("The overall rating is determined by its weakest performance among all benchmark strategies.")
[docs] @Commands.register("Generate and export full CSVs of results.") def csv(self): if len(self._results) == 0: print("There are no results yet, enter `execute` to run the current procedure for results.") return default_path = "~/Documents/" out_path = input("Enter the directory for CSVs to be saved to [" + default_path + "]: ").strip() if out_path == "": out_path = default_path if not os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(out_path)): print("Invalid path.") return written = utils.save_csvs(self._results, out_path) if len(written) == len(self._results): print("All CSVs have been successfully written to " + out_path + ".") elif len(written) < len(self._results) and len(written) > 0: print("Some CSVs have been successfully written to " + out_path + ", but others failed.") else: print("Could not write the CSVs to " + out_path + ", check for strategy execution errors and permissions.")
[docs] @Commands.register("Select and plot data from results.") def plot(self): if len(self._results) == 0: print("There are no results yet, enter `execute` to run the current procedure for results.") return # Get destination of the plots first. default_path = "~/Documents/" out_path = input("Enter the directory for plots to be saved to [" + default_path + "]: ").strip() if out_path == "": out_path = default_path if not os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(out_path)): print("Invalid path.") return # Save the CSVs to a temporary location by saving single CSVs. temp_dir = os.path.join(gettempdir(), utils.random_file_name(c.CM_NAME, "csvs")) os.makedirs(temp_dir) csvs = {i: utils.save_csvs({i: self._results[i]}, temp_dir)[0] for i in self._results} csv_headers = {i: self._results[i][2].make_csv().splitlines()[0] for i in self._results} csv_names = {i: self._results[i][3] for i in self._results} # Extract the attributes available for plotting. y_keys = list(strategy.constants.TIME_STATS_DESCRIPTIONS.keys()) y_values = list(strategy.constants.TIME_STATS_DESCRIPTIONS.values()) attributes = defaultdict(list) for i, header in csv_headers.items(): attrs = [x.strip() for x in header.split(",")] for attr in attrs: if attr not in y_values: attributes[attr].append(i) # Display the selection table. headers = ("ID", "Attribute", "Results From") contents = [] attr_id = 0 attr_id_to_attr = {} for attr, in_results in attributes.items(): attribute_name = utils.width(attr, 25) results_names = utils.width(",".join(list(set([self._results[i][2].NAME for i in in_results]))), 30) contents.append((attr_id, attribute_name, results_names)) attr_id_to_attr[attr_id] = attr attr_id += 1 print("The following attributes are available on the x-axis of the plot:") print(tabulate(contents, headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid")) while True: x_attrs = input("Select a list of x-axis attribute IDs for plotting, separated by ',': ").strip() try: x_attrs = [int(i.strip()) for i in x_attrs.split(",")] if len(x_attrs) < 1: raise ValueError() for x_attr in x_attrs: if x_attr < 0 or x_attr >= attr_id: raise ValueError() break except: print("Invalid attribute ID(s) were entered.") x_attrs_selected = [attr_id_to_attr[i] for i in x_attrs] print("The following attributes are available on the y-axis of the plot:") print(tabulate([(i, y_keys[i], y_values[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(y_keys)], ("ID", "Attribute Key", "Attribute Text"), tablefmt="fancy_grid")) y_id_to_y = {i: y_values[i] for i, _ in enumerate(y_keys)} # All strategies should have these information available after execution. while True: y_attrs = input("Select a list of y-axis attribute IDs for plotting, separated by ',': ").strip() try: y_attrs = [int(i.strip()) for i in y_attrs.split(",")] if len(y_attrs) < 1: raise ValueError() for y_attr in y_attrs: if y_attr < 0 or y_attr >= len(y_keys): raise ValueError() break except: print("An invalid attribute ID was entered.") y_attrs_selected = [y_id_to_y[i] for i in y_attrs] plot_attrs = product(x_attrs_selected, y_attrs_selected) for plot_attr in plot_attrs: relevant_results = attributes[plot_attr[0]] relevant_csvs = [csvs[i] for i in relevant_results] names = [csv_names[i] for i in relevant_results] out_file = os.path.join(out_path, utils.random_file_name(plot_attr[0] + "_" + plot_attr[1], "png")) out_file = out_file.replace(" ", "_") default_title = plot_attr[1] + " by " + plot_attr[0] print("Plotting {} against {}...".format(plot_attr[1], plot_attr[0])) title = input("Give this plot a title [{}]: ".format(plot_attr[1])).strip() if title == "": title = default_title data.plot.plot_performance(relevant_csvs, names, plot_attr[0], plot_attr[1], show=False, img_out=out_file, title=title) print("Saving " + out_file + "...")